
Benchmark Guide

A. Bench from start position

Using only the start position and Lc0 default options.

  1. Run Lc0 v0.17.0 using network id 11198

  2. You can download Lc0 and network id in the Downloads menu.
    Type in console

  3. uci
  4. isready

  5. Wait for the engine to send readyok, then type the following

  6. ucinewgame
  7. position startpos
  8. go movetime 120000

  9. Wait for the engine to send its bestmove around 2 minutes and record the nps value.

You may submit the nps, gpu name, number of gpu used, cpu name, Lc0.exe type [cuda, opencl, blas], userame and other info that you think is necessary such as OS and and others at google forum.

B. Bench from middle game positions

Released the Lco bench pack, a tool to generate the benchmarks, see Downloads section in the menu.

Be sure to read the readme file for the guide on how to run it. Use Lc0 v0.18.1 and network id 20922. LB will output result-bench.txt which contains nps info and others. It also log the Lc0 output to log-bench,txt when you enable the log option.

Basic usage:
bt.exe --engine Lc0.exe --movetime 120000 --log